Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Sixty-five Feet Down, feedbacks

It's already four months ago when I performed my work Sixty-five Feet Down at Clarence Mews. A good thing about this sharing was that I received written feedbacks from the audience, which can be nice but also confusing...and that's why I have kept them so quietly till now. But I want to do something. Something exciting in my dance activity and I thought it might be the time to see them again and see if I can take this work somewhere further.There are seven feedbacks.

1) I saw a woman alone, very troubled but I don't know why she was in this place. Thank you.

2) Isolated, alone, bare, raw, power.
Movements- sharp, fluid, intense, contained.
I enjoyed it.

3) I had a sense of confusion, as if she didn't know which way was up or down, like the sounds where playing or toying with her. If this was the intention then she captured it perfectly... The random echoing of the dunes seducing and then stashing her is quit succession. I enjoyed her quality of movement. Simple forms, but overly complex. Quite pure and clean. I really liked it.

4) I got the feeling of the dancer being very low, as described. The feel of isolation came across well. I would like to see more material, sequences and fluidity.

5) I only read the info on your piece after seeing it, so my impression works in a "funny" way. I definitely had the sense of pursuit/ being pursed, loneliness, being haunted, voice in the head... On empty landscape, lots of FRAGMENTS that get picked up or lost...burying one's head in the "sand"...

6) I have no idea what the dance was about- so that is my comment. If I knew I might be able to offer you some advice/ response. I also must add that abstraction is interesting if I can find what it is abstracted from -

7) 表情、もしくは、あっさりしたdarknessが日本的だったです。侍?墨絵のような。quickな部分と静かな部分のバランスが、というよりtimingの取り方がよかったです。身体がきれいだなと思って見てました。

I just find it very depressing to work on this piece because this woman is depressing. So I don't know if I want to continue to working on this, but it would be a bit shame to throw everything away after showing a work-in-progress only once.

Haw can I take it further???