Friday, 18 January 2008



私は8年ぶりに日本のお正月を、日本の家族と夫のジジとともにすごしました。帰りの飛行機の中で Namaste Londonという映画を見て、二つの国と文化と移住という意味で自分と重なる部分が多く、コメディーのはずなのに涙してしまいました。今回の3週間の滞 在はそんなことを考えさせられるものでした。

3週間もいたのに、自分の母親を含めて誰ともじっくり話をしたきがしないまま終わってしまった。やっぱりジジがいると言葉の問題もあるけど、存在 だけで雰囲気が変わるし、予定の組み方も変わるし、今まで通りにはいかない。私がもともとマイペースで人に気を使って何かをするということが苦手だから、 今回もろにそれがでて、自分が何をやりたくてどうしたいのか、よくわからなくなってしまった。それでもそちらにいるときは楽しいと思っていたんだけど、 帰ってみると、3週間何をやっていたのかなーっと。。。これも慣れなんだろうけど、次回は何か対策を練らなければ。

ロンドンにいると、しかも特にジジといると、流れに乗って毎日過ごして、日本でかつてしていたように何か夢や目標に向かって何かする、という自分 のやり方に疑問を抱くようになるけれど、ほかのすべてと同じ、何事もバランスが肝心で、どちらが良いというより、その間の自分にほどよい場所を見つけるの が大切なんでしょう。日本に行ってみて、自分が流されすぎていて何もachieve,していないような気がしたので、もっと予定をたてたり、自分でやるっ て決めたことはちゃんとやるとか(クラスにいくとか)、しなければと思う今日この頃。


You'll never understand.

You'll never understand me. 
You'll never understand my personal experience and its emotion.

That's what I am thinking somewhere in my mind, always.

But through art, can we connect to others? It would be different experience of events but maybe similar experience of emotions. Can we communicate to that bit, the emotion? If we human beings share a common ground somewhere down the base?

New Year 2008

It is a bit late but I wish you a very happy new year.

We were back in Japan for three weeks and just came back last Friday. The picture above is from a garden of an old temple in Kyoto (old capital), on which we can see the time and history indeed. The trip this time made me feel TIME, mainly my past, so much that it has been taking quite a few days to get myself together since I came back here. My toes are touching the ground but not heels yet.

However, there are a few things to get on with ahead of me, and let me use this opportunity to advertise my activities this and next month.


The first is an improvisation performance with an installation. My friends, Jairo and Nicola, are printmakers and exhibiting their work in an exhibition. I will be performing there only for the private view. I do not know the exact time of the performance.

East London Printmakers: I AM TEN
Bankside Gallery, South Bank, London
Private view: 29 January 2008, 6.30-9pm

East London Printmakers celebrate ten years of existence with this prestigious exhibition of printmaking works by 50 ELP artists, displaying a wide range of innovative printmaking techniques.


stephanie schober & dance company
Between Sound and Silence
Purcell Room, Southbank Centre, London
Tuesday 26 February 2008 - Wednesday 27 February 2008

‘A piece of pure physical poetry. It casts a hypnotic spell. Isobe and Schober are fascinating dancers’ (Stage).

Came and see this two-year-old piece Catch by Stephanie Schober. It will shape the evenings with newer two other pieces (picture above).
We have been touring in England since autumn, and finally, we are in London. I would love to have a lot of support there.