8月8日−20日 毎日じゃないです。ステフィ(Stephanie Schober)と音楽のジョン・マーク(John-Marc Gowans)とThe Placeで行われたChoreodromeで新作Catchのためにいろいろと試していました。
9月から,こちらの大学新学年度開始に伴い,2つの大学から教えのお仕事をいただきました。University of Surreyはロンドンから電車で30分ほどいったGuidfordという感じの良い街にある大学。ここにはダンス学部があります。ここでは最終学年(イギリスの大学は3年間)を対象に,コンテンポラリーダンステクニックとレパートリー。2年ほど前につくった作品and Breathe...から2−3分抜粋して教えました。それから2年生対象のコレオグラフィー(振付)。この仕事は怪我をして実技系が全く教えられなかった先生の代わりで入ったので,前期いっぱい12月で終了。テクニック,コレオグラフィーとも試験まで担当させてもらい,良い経験になりました。
もう一つはLondon Metropolitan University。こちらはロンドンの中心にある大きな大学。パフォーミングアーツ学科があり,私はボディコンディショニングとコンテンポラリーダンステクニックを教えました。なにが面白いって,前述のUniSとこのLondonMet
話が長くなりつつあります。。。で,9月21日にには前にブログにも書いた,キャロルとの(Carol Brown) Wokingでのプロジェクト,Radiance-TOPOSのパフォーマンスがありました。コミュニティーとのプロジェクトというのは、普段やってるようなプロフェッショナルのとは本質が違うなあ,としみじみ感じました。最後には出演者全員,プラス企画した地域の政治家さんたち,皆さん一緒に一つのことをやりとげた満足感が感動となり,ハッピーエンディング!
©Ray Pettit TOPOS
TOPOS more photos
そのあとすぐにDance Umbrellaという,ロンドンで毎年秋にあるコンテンポラリーダンスのフェスティバルがあり,いくつもの公演を立て続けに見て,ダンスを見るのはもう嫌になりました。普段,リハーサル,教え,と一日中ダンスの生活をしている上,さらにダンスを見るのはtoo muchでした。食べ過ぎで,もう何の味も感じない,って言う感じでした。。。
しかし!Rosemary ButcherのTATE Modernでのパフォーマンスは良かった!!インスタレーションと共に,一人のダンサーによるソロ3部作という思い切ったプログラムながら,振付家とダンサーとが時間をかけて,重箱の隅をつつくように,こだわりこだわりまくって作り上げたパフォーマンスはとてつもなく正直で,わたしの胸に迫ってくるものがありました。なかなかそういう作品って巡り会えないんですよね,コンテンポラリーダンスで。残念ながら。しかし,巡り会えた時は本当に貴重なものになります。このフィーリングであと1年は迷いなく踊っていけそうな気がします。,,,いや踊り辞める気ないですが,時々なんでやってるんだろう?と思うことはありますからね。ちなみにローズマリーは私ラバンにいたとき,コレオグラフィーの先生でした。私は相性がよく,いろいろお世話になり,影響も受けました。いつかこの方とお仕事できればいいなあ、と思っています。密かに。
11月1日。晴れてステフィの新作Catch,ほか2作品 Inside Us, Change, の今シーズンプログラムの初日。ラバンにて。ここだけの話,わたし的には今回,いつもほど思い入れが強くなかったのです。ほかにやることがたくさんあってあくせくしていたからか,それとも5年目の倦怠期か。もちろんそれでも自分のベストは尽くしました。リハーサルでも本番でも。この日はバイト先の劇場の友達がたくさん見に来てくれ,大変ハッピーでした。ラバンまではるばる(ラバンはロンドンでもちょっとはずれなのです)ありがたい!で,友人は当然ながら(?)ほかの重要人物(劇場のプログラマーとか)からも個人的にダンサーとして大変良い評価をいただき,良い気分でした。
11月9日 Colcester 教会を改造した劇場。柱や窓がそのまま残っていて,特別な空間でした。こうゆうところでパフォーマンスするのは面白いです。
11月12日 Bedford 大学附属の古い劇場。若い学生がたくさん見に来て,なんか嫌な雰囲気だった。気が散ってあまり良いパフォーマンスができなかった。
11月19日 Uley, Gloucestershire コッツウォルズのど真ん中にある小さな村にある,これも元教会の劇場というよりギャラリー。しかし,40人もの人が見に来た。見知らぬ人たちがはるばる車で周辺の村や町からダンスを見に来ると言うことに驚いた。霧のかかった谷にある美しい村でした。
Stephanie Schober and Dance Company. Autumn 2005 Flyer
ツアーの合間に5日間(11月13日ー17日)から,デンマークはコペンハーゲンに行ってきました。キャロルの新しいプロジェクト Sea, Unseaのリサーチのためです。Interactive computer graphicsを使ったもので,今回はひたすらいろいろなイメージと戯れて,どんな関係が築けるか見極めようと時間を費やしました。キャロルとコラボレートしているメタは建築家で,そのコンピュータグラフィックスを扱っています。で今回はメタの所属する王立建築学校から援助が得られたのでそこに行った訳です。デンマーク。スカンジナビアですよ。椅子のデザイン,すばらしいです。スカンジナビアの超シンプルかつ機能的なデザイン。徹底してました。しかもおそらくデンマーク人の生活水準は高いですね。ゴミ箱のようなロンドンに帰るのはちょっと嫌になりました。学校の所有する,これまた鳥肌が立つほど完璧にデザインされたアパートに泊まらせてもらい,ちょっと恐れ多かったです。プロジェクトのほうは,まと待った時間を費やせてとても良かった。キャロルと何かを深く追究したのも初めてだったし。まだ,作品をつくれるほどクリアなアイデアは集まらなかったけど,強い基盤を築いたのではと思います。テクノロジー系のものは時間かかかります。でも何かオリジナルなものが発見できると信じて取り組み続けるのです。
Sea, Unsee. Choreography: Carol Brown, Architect: Mette Ramsgard Thomsen
テクノロジーということで,12月1日から4日にはノッティンガムにいました。そこでこの夏にドイツの元炭坑でお世話になったヨハネスの企画した,大規模なダンスとテクノロジーのフェスティバルDigital Culturesがあったので,私は夏にドイツでつくったポールのDying on my feet(私がつけたタイトルじゃないです)と,コペンハーゲンで取り組み始めたキャロルの作品 Sea, Unseeと,2作品,2日間,やってきました。パフォーマンス自体は好評で良かった。いろいろな人に会いました。こうゆう学会見たいな,人が各地から集まってくるところというのは,私はあまり慣れてないですが,不思議な場所だなーと思いました。みんな何か自分のためになるコネクションをつくろうと,歩き回り人に話しかけるんですねー。なんか表面的で,でも一概に悪いことでもなく、まあある意味一夜のどんちゃん騒ぎのような。。。まあ,そこにいるのは楽しかったです。でもちょっと後で人間不信と言うか,人間に対する興味を失いました。
Dying on My Feet. Devised by Paul Verity Smith
そのノッティンガムに向けて,ポールとリハーサルするために,ブリストルへ11月24日から27日行ってました。ポールはちょっと大変のんびりしているのです。いつも。で今回もリハーサルをしいた大学が予想外に毎日4時に閉まっちゃったり,まあいつものごとくコンピュータのプログラムがうまく動かなかったりで,私が実際動いたのは4日のうち10分くらい!?それでも私はいつもその場にいて,何がおこっているのか把握することも大切だと思うので,一概に時間の無駄ではなかった(と思いたい)です。To Inhabitということを最近考えます。そこにいること,時間と空間を共有することにも大きな意味があるんじゃないかと。作品つくるのも,なんだかんだ人と人のコミュニケーションの結果ですからね。人との関係が自然と出るんじゃないかと。で,人との関係は時間と空間を共有することから生まれるじゃないかと。
あ,でまだ先があるんです。12月8日にはThe Placeで行われたWhite Christmasというクリスマス企画のパフォーマンスでキャロルのWokingでのダンス TOPOS の抜粋にちょっと新しい部分を加えてパフォーマンスしました。これは前日2日間集中で作り上げちゃったという代物。3人のダンサーは両手首と片方の足首に赤いライトをつけていて,お客さんはダンサーの身体そのものより,ライトの動きを見るという感じ。ゲストでWokingの小学校から一人女の子をよんで,彼女はうちらの周りを飛び跳ねていた。それもほかのグループ(その晩は6作品あった)にはない指向で,良かったんじゃないかと。気分良く終えました。
翌日9日にはブライトンの大学であったメタの企画した学会 Finding Fluid Formにて,キャロルのSea, Unseeの再演。これは残念ながら上手く行かなかった。学会と言う環境柄,1時間で全部セットしなければならなかったのと,劇場の設備が悪すぎて,上手くテクノロジーが働く環境を作り出せなかった。だから,パフォーマンスしたけれども,グラフィックスが勝手に動いてしまってコントロール不能。ちょっと焦った。けど私にできるのはget on with itってことで,どうせインプロだし,ま,ひたすらインプロし続けておいた。それが功を奏したのか,終演後フォーサイスとコラボレートしたことがあるというテクノロジーアーティストの人が「あなたはとてもいいダンサーだ。機会が会ったら一緒に仕事をしよう」と来てくれた。ありがたや。
Katsura sometimes leaves some footprints here when she pauses in her everyday journey. Katsura is a Japanese contemporary dancer and Pilates teacher, based in London.>>more info>> katsuraisobe.net
Saturday, 17 December 2005
Wednesday, 17 August 2005
Radiance One -Topos, Workshop with Over 50s Group
The Vyne Dancers
This is new experience for me. Radiance one -Topos is a site-specific project with Carol Brown. We are going to have a performance in a place where there will be the Woking Galleries in 2007. In 2005 autumn, they start the construction, and our performance is a kind of ceremony for that. The performers are three professional dancers include myself, about ten of over 50s ladies, and children (don't know how many). So our job includes some workshops with the local people, and I was allocated to do two workshops with over 50s group, The Vyne Dancers. The first one last week was with Carol, and this week on 16 August, I had to teach on my own. The Vyne Dancers consist of different age and physical abilities, but they are all nice and caring ladies. Also Carol gave me a clear task, so I was quite OK to lead a workshop. The session was just an hour and half, and there was a danger of getting too relaxed, not doing much... They are chilled out ladies. I focused to achieve what I wanted to get done: The ladies needed to learn a phrase of dance, and to refine it. The movement phrase is half created by Carol and half myself, and it focuses on the body parts lit by light objects worn on the ladies left wrists.
Some people already know that I am so fascinated by use of imageries for movement and I am so fussy about movement dynamics and quality. As I was teaching these ladies, this side of me started being loud, and I had to tell them some images and what kind of dynamics I wanted. It was interesting for me to see how they responded to my directions, and I loved the individual way of responding. I felt I knew what kind of person each lady was even though this was the second time to see them. This is the great thing about dance.
Tuesday, 16 August 2005
Adam Cooper in Les Liaisons Dangereuses
©Hidemi Seto
Sadler's Wells, 21 July-14 August
Coming back to the daily life after two weeks away in Germany, the production that was waiting for me at Sadler's Wells was Adam Cooper in Les Liaisons Dangereuses. This is a big production that covered three weeks of the summer season in this prestigious theatre. It is special to have that long period of performance here, as normally they change a show every week. Adam Cooper had a success at Sadler's Wells with Singing in the Rain last summer, which brought many families and others. Compared to that, Les Liaisons Dangereuses was very quiet, partly because of the dodgy situation in London. Always it is interesting to see the audience from an usher's view, and this time, I found there were more elderly people than usual. From Japanese point of view, the 'Adam Cooper & elderly people' does not make sense. But here it works as 'famous old story & elderly people'. Yes, that would be it.
This production has gorgeous huge sets and costumes. Here I think of the sponsor, TBS, one of the biggest broadcasting companies in Japan. We workers at Sadler's Wells all enjoy the Japanese ladies who come and see a show everyday, that can be either Adam Cooper or Mathew Bourne. It is very impressive how keen they are, so it really makes sense that TBS sponsored for this Adam Cooper's show and they had a premiere in Japan.
I enjoyed the set by Lez Brotherston. With or without an intension, the gold screens reminded me the Japanese traditional Noh stage, together with the chorus on black dresses and masks, holding up torches. These visual elements effectively shaped the madly formalized 18th century French high society. The music by Phillip Feeney was also very impressive although sometimes the shift between each scene felt fragmented. The music had the biggest role that manipulates the atmosphere and energy on the stage. I did not like the performance itself as I felt it did not talk to me. I have seen three Adam's productions, and I think he is good enough to smooth things up and make OK shows, but he is not brave or creative enough to make people surprise or move. I just don't feel anything. I like his legend Swan in Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake. And I wonder when his great performance happens again. Now he has pursuing another way as director-performer. And it is said generally that a great performer is not necessarily a great choreographer or director. They are very different jobs.
Yellow Wall Paper in Greenwich
©Gigi Giannella
©Gigi Giannella
©Gigi Giannella
The Yellow Wall Paper is a project I wrote about on 7th July, and the performance at Trafalgar Tavern in Greenwich took place on 3rd August as part of the ICKL conference banquet.
Our leader Caroline has developed my costume for this day, and we had additional strong collaborators: Jairo and Nicola: they made a wall paper to be hanged on a window as you see on a picture above.
The performance was intended to be more like happening than presentation. We did not expect everyone to watch all the time because of the situation of a banquet. People would eat, talk, walk around etc. I thought our performance could enrich the evening together with other aspects of a banquet.
Based on this idea, we had three parts of performance: 1. When people came in to the place, 2. After the dinner, 3. Later after a while.
I was going to improvise in the environment I was given: the Victorian room with three big windows, the costume converted from lampshade, and the wallpaper, looked quite enough toys for me to play with. I was pretty sure that I could improvise without problems. And it was not a problem at all! Actually I had a problem with some tasks that I had to do to convey some story or to develop the relationship with Dorit, another dancer. If I tried to follow the tasks, it killed my imagination. No space to play. This started happening in Part2, and Part3 was completely ruined by that. I enjoyed improvising for 40 minutes in Part1 and quite many people stopped by and watched the performance. Towards Part 2, 3, less and less people. It was because of the light in the room that got darker as time passed, and the energy of people and the banquet as well. There are many aspects to think in advance in this kind of setting, but it is difficult to guess how it is going to be without trying out things. Ideally I wanted to rehearse properly with the costume and the wallpaper in the space. While three visual artists spent hundreds hours to create their work for this day, two dancers seemed to be lazy. But anyway it was a good try. Very unusual setting and I could see more possibilities of a performance like this.
Sunday, 31 July 2005
INTAKT Interaktionslabor 3
End of these two weeks, we had a sharing for the public. I ended up wearing four sensors: two accelerometers (one on the right wrist and another on the right shoulder), a light sensor on the left arm, and a click switch on the light palm. Accelerometers can move the image as well as can jump frames in a flim as I move with impact. A light sensor can move the image and a click switch makes jump to another film. We had 12 films in the order. I start play with the first film and keep playing until I have enough. I click the switch on the palm to move to the next film, and I play with it again. My movement is improvisation in the relationship to the video image, and normally it takes 20-25 minutes to finish all the films.
We had two nights of performances: one night I performed with electronic double bass that is also improvisation and my movement changes some aspects of the sound, and another night without music. Because it is improvisation, every performance is different and I enjoy it very much. The film is manipulated by me but it does not work as I intended sometimes and I think that makes the performance richer because then I have to accept the thing happened, or not happened, and try to use the accident. We received very good feedback. Some people say the work is a new kind of art, or the first work that really made the connection of dance and video, etc... The people's reaction made me happy after the hard intensive process and I hope to develop it more in the future.
We had two nights of performances: one night I performed with electronic double bass that is also improvisation and my movement changes some aspects of the sound, and another night without music. Because it is improvisation, every performance is different and I enjoy it very much. The film is manipulated by me but it does not work as I intended sometimes and I think that makes the performance richer because then I have to accept the thing happened, or not happened, and try to use the accident. We received very good feedback. Some people say the work is a new kind of art, or the first work that really made the connection of dance and video, etc... The people's reaction made me happy after the hard intensive process and I hope to develop it more in the future.
Sunday, 24 July 2005
INTAKT Interaktionslabor 2
© Paul Verity Smith
I'm wearing an accelerometer on my right wrist. The cable is connected to a transmitter and batteries, and they send the data to a computer.
© Johannes Birringer
I dance with myself in the videoprojection that is manipulated by my accelerometer on the right wrist.
© Paul Verity Smith
The original film is 10 minutes long for each scene but we choose only 5-10 seconds for the manipulation.
Friday, 22 July 2005
INTAKT Interaktionslabor, Germany
Internationales Interaktionslabor
18-31 July 2005
Dance and Technology is a new area in dance practice and dance academics. I have been working with Paul Verity Smith since 2002, and this summer we spend two weeks on the site of the former coal mine Gottelborn, Germany. There is a laboratory called INTAKT that is for interactive media, sound, design, digital video,telecommunications and performance.
From my understanding, our team is making a performance. I am an only dancer. But I am two: one in live and one in video projection. I in live can manipulate sound and video image through sensors on my body. but I in live is not only trying to manipulate, I need to be dancing and all the aspects needs to work together as a performance.
At the moment I have three sensors: 2 accelerometers, and an orient sensor. accelerometers can sense the acceleration of my movement and they are on my wrist and shoulder. One for orientation is on my shoulder and can sense which way I'm facing.
It is time-consuming process and I have lots of time to wait while other computer people are setting up or programming something. Working with technology needs very different approach for dancers and that is what I am interested in.
Hope we can create something interesting by the end of these two weeks!
Webcam in the lab
Thursday, 21 July 2005
Working at Sadler's Wells: Zero Degrees
©Carl Fox
Unfortunately I cannot make my living with only dancing, so I work as an usher at Sadler's Wells theatre. Sadler's Wells is a big scale theatre with 1600 seats and has mainly dance performances, from big names like Pina Bausch, William Forsyth to classical ballet companies. Last week, we had Zero Degrees by Akram Kahn and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. Akram is a pioneer who creates an original form of dance as an integration of traditional Indian dance, Kathak, and contemporary dance. Sidi Larbi is one of choreographers/ directors in a physical theatre company, Les Ballets C de la B.
One of good points of working as an usher is that we can get to see a show as part of the work. I was looking forward to seeing this performance because I know both of them are great choreographers and performers although their styles are so different and original. So I was curious what kind of work they can create together. I watched the performance on the first night with lots of expectation, and then I found it so slow and too loose. It was like watching a rehearsal and I could not hold myself for 70 minutes and fell asleep at some point. The choreography looked still its early stage of the development, and I did not like the fact. Although life-size silicon dummies created by Antony Gormley put some special meaning to the performance, I did not get the point of the work. My second watch was totally different experience. The performance by Akram and Sidi Larbi got so much stronger and surer, that was able to convey some thoughts and feelings. Also other reasons are because I read the programme and listened to the talk with them. So I had some idea what they were dealing with already before I watched the performance. For me it was interesting to question if a contemporary dance piece should make sense without any explanation by the creators, or it is ok to justify the work with more explanation. Also I noticed again that how performance quality could affect on the quality of work itself. Even though same people perform, the work looks completely different depending on how they perform. I had to feel that a big production like this is lucky to have many performances. They can improve themselves while they perform. Thinking about myself, a small production has only one or some performances so every performance needs to be the best. Do Akram and Sidi Larbi consider themselves lucky?
Unfortunately I cannot make my living with only dancing, so I work as an usher at Sadler's Wells theatre. Sadler's Wells is a big scale theatre with 1600 seats and has mainly dance performances, from big names like Pina Bausch, William Forsyth to classical ballet companies. Last week, we had Zero Degrees by Akram Kahn and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. Akram is a pioneer who creates an original form of dance as an integration of traditional Indian dance, Kathak, and contemporary dance. Sidi Larbi is one of choreographers/ directors in a physical theatre company, Les Ballets C de la B.
One of good points of working as an usher is that we can get to see a show as part of the work. I was looking forward to seeing this performance because I know both of them are great choreographers and performers although their styles are so different and original. So I was curious what kind of work they can create together. I watched the performance on the first night with lots of expectation, and then I found it so slow and too loose. It was like watching a rehearsal and I could not hold myself for 70 minutes and fell asleep at some point. The choreography looked still its early stage of the development, and I did not like the fact. Although life-size silicon dummies created by Antony Gormley put some special meaning to the performance, I did not get the point of the work. My second watch was totally different experience. The performance by Akram and Sidi Larbi got so much stronger and surer, that was able to convey some thoughts and feelings. Also other reasons are because I read the programme and listened to the talk with them. So I had some idea what they were dealing with already before I watched the performance. For me it was interesting to question if a contemporary dance piece should make sense without any explanation by the creators, or it is ok to justify the work with more explanation. Also I noticed again that how performance quality could affect on the quality of work itself. Even though same people perform, the work looks completely different depending on how they perform. I had to feel that a big production like this is lucky to have many performances. They can improve themselves while they perform. Thinking about myself, a small production has only one or some performances so every performance needs to be the best. Do Akram and Sidi Larbi consider themselves lucky?
Tuesday, 12 July 2005
Taking class at gDA
On a day I don't have any rehearsals, I go to a professional class in the morning. Greenwich Dance Agency (gDA) is the nearest place to take those classes for me so I often go there. It costs £3.80 per class, which is quite reasonable price compared to commercial dance studios like Pinnapple or Dance Works. The classes are from 10.30-12.00 everyday from Monday- Friday, and teachers changes every week although they all teach release-based contemporary dance technique. There is also a live musician. This is almost too good environment for dancers who trained in Japan!
Recently I cannot go to a class so often because I have rehearsals in the morning. But when I go there, I enjoy myself a lot, dancing "dancy" dance, which I don't dance in someone's choreography. We create more original movement for a choreography, I mean. But sometimes I need time to face purely on my body, and review all the routines. Also a class is nice place to see friends. We catch up each other after a class.
リハーサルがない日には朝のプロフェッショナル・クラスを受けにいきます。うちから一番近いのはグリニッジ・ダンス・エージェンシー(gDA)。ひとクラス £3.80 (約760円)。パイナップルスタジオやダンスワークスなんかの営利目的のスタジオと比べるとはるかに良心的なお値段です。クラスは月曜から金曜まで毎朝10時半から12時までで,先生はどの先生もコンテンポラリーのリリーステクニックを教えますが,週ごとに変わります。生伴奏付き。日本でダンストレーニングをしてきた身には大変贅沢な環境です!
Recently I cannot go to a class so often because I have rehearsals in the morning. But when I go there, I enjoy myself a lot, dancing "dancy" dance, which I don't dance in someone's choreography. We create more original movement for a choreography, I mean. But sometimes I need time to face purely on my body, and review all the routines. Also a class is nice place to see friends. We catch up each other after a class.
リハーサルがない日には朝のプロフェッショナル・クラスを受けにいきます。うちから一番近いのはグリニッジ・ダンス・エージェンシー(gDA)。ひとクラス £3.80 (約760円)。パイナップルスタジオやダンスワークスなんかの営利目的のスタジオと比べるとはるかに良心的なお値段です。クラスは月曜から金曜まで毎朝10時半から12時までで,先生はどの先生もコンテンポラリーのリリーステクニックを教えますが,週ごとに変わります。生伴奏付き。日本でダンストレーニングをしてきた身には大変贅沢な環境です!
Rehearsal with Stephanie Schober
Change ©Gigi Giannella
Stephanie Schober is a young innovative choreographer who I have been working with for five years. When I met her, she had just graduated from LABAN and had started her career as a choreographer. She is very talented, I think, and works incredibly hard. So she got many great oppotunities these five years like Bonnie Bird New Choreography Award and Artist in Residence at South Bank Centre. This year, we have a touring in England for the first time. At the moment, we are creating a new duet that will be touring with other two old pieces.The premiere is in November, and we started wroking on the duet in May. Normaly we have four hours rehearsal, three days a week. Sometimes, everyday... I would say it is quite a lot. But I know we need that much, and I am sure the work is going to be very interesting, unusual, and completed!
Stephanie Schober is a young innovative choreographer who I have been working with for five years. When I met her, she had just graduated from LABAN and had started her career as a choreographer. She is very talented, I think, and works incredibly hard. So she got many great oppotunities these five years like Bonnie Bird New Choreography Award and Artist in Residence at South Bank Centre. This year, we have a touring in England for the first time. At the moment, we are creating a new duet that will be touring with other two old pieces.The premiere is in November, and we started wroking on the duet in May. Normaly we have four hours rehearsal, three days a week. Sometimes, everyday... I would say it is quite a lot. But I know we need that much, and I am sure the work is going to be very interesting, unusual, and completed!
Thursday, 7 July 2005
Yellow Wall Paper project
©Gigi Giannella
Yellow Wall Paper is a project that I have been working with a scenographer, Caroline Collinge, who is a friend of mine. Caroline has been inspired by the feminist novel in the 19th century, titled The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. We had a first work-in-progress performance at Battersea Arts Centre last Saturday on 2 July. The photo here is from the performance. Although we performed on a stage this time, we intend to perform in different places, away from theatres. Today, we visited a beautiful Victorian tavern facing right on the Thames in Greenwich, where we will hold a performance on 3 August, as part of the ICKL conference banquet. We had great ideas what and how to do, taking advantage
of the architeture and the situation of a banquet! It is going to be impressive!
友達のセノグラファー(パフォーマンス関係のデザインをする人)キャロラインと,Yello Wall Paperというプロジェクトをしています。先週の土曜日,7月2日にバタシー・アーツセンターという劇場で,まだ創作途中ではありますがお披露目をしました(写真)。今回は舞台上での上演でしたが,今後の希望としては、劇場から離れて,いろいろな建物内でやりたいと思っています。今日はグリニッジはテムズ川沿いのレストランに下見に行っていました。ビクトリア調でとても美しい建物。そこで8月3日にICKLという学会の晩餐会とあわせてパフォーマンスをします。この建物と晩餐会という状況をうまく利用してきっと面白いものができる予感がします!
Wednesday, 6 July 2005
Audition for Carol Brown Dances
Carol Brown is a choreogrpaher who works on installation, technology and site-specific works in collaboration with architects or visual artists most times. I was invited to her audition at Roehampton University where she teaches. It was unusual audition because there were only five people. Normally, we see 50 or 100 people in a audition....how awful. The audition was workshop style so I felt I could work and show something properly. We spent three hours dancing sequences given by Carol and improvising based on some tasks. I will know the result in a week or so, but I am trying not to worry about it. I know auditions are not to judge a dancer but it is to choose a dancer for a particular work. Let's see...
キャロル・ブラウンはニュージーランド出身ですがロンドンで活躍する振付家。建築家やビジュアルアーティストとのコラボレーションによりインスタレーションやテクノロジー,サイト・スペシフィック(って日本語でなんて言うのでしょう? どなたか教えてください)といった従来の劇場舞台で上演されるダンスとは異なったダンスを創ります。この振付家には前から興味があったので,偶然出会う機会があったときにちょっと売り込みをしておいたらオーディションに呼んでもらえました。普通オーディションというと50人や100人もの人が来ていてそれだけでうんざりしますが,今日のオーデションはたった5人だけ。ワークショップ形式で,3時間の間に与えられたダンスを踊るほか,キャロルの指示に基づいたインプロを行い,私としても充実して見せれるものは見せたと感じられるオーディションでした。結果は1週間ほどでわかりますが,あまり結果にとらわれないようにしています。オーディションはダンサーとしての能力を見るというものではなく,特定の作品の為に,それにあった人を選ぶということですから。。。
キャロル・ブラウンはニュージーランド出身ですがロンドンで活躍する振付家。建築家やビジュアルアーティストとのコラボレーションによりインスタレーションやテクノロジー,サイト・スペシフィック(って日本語でなんて言うのでしょう? どなたか教えてください)といった従来の劇場舞台で上演されるダンスとは異なったダンスを創ります。この振付家には前から興味があったので,偶然出会う機会があったときにちょっと売り込みをしておいたらオーディションに呼んでもらえました。普通オーディションというと50人や100人もの人が来ていてそれだけでうんざりしますが,今日のオーデションはたった5人だけ。ワークショップ形式で,3時間の間に与えられたダンスを踊るほか,キャロルの指示に基づいたインプロを行い,私としても充実して見せれるものは見せたと感じられるオーディションでした。結果は1週間ほどでわかりますが,あまり結果にとらわれないようにしています。オーディションはダンサーとしての能力を見るというものではなく,特定の作品の為に,それにあった人を選ぶということですから。。。
Tuesday, 5 July 2005
Pilates Teacher Training Course
I am starting the Pilates Teacher Training Course with Alan Herdman from this September. He has kindly let me start studying prior to the actual start, so I turn up at the studio occationally for now. Today I reviewed by myself some basic excercises that someone taught me last time. What I like about Pilates is that I feel so much centered after the excersises! It is like meditation.
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