Tuesday, 12 July 2005

Rehearsal with Stephanie Schober

ChangeChange ©Gigi Giannella

Stephanie Schober is a young innovative choreographer who I have been working with for five years. When I met her, she had just graduated from LABAN and had started her career as a choreographer. She is very talented, I think, and works incredibly hard. So she got many great oppotunities these five years like Bonnie Bird New Choreography Award and Artist in Residence at South Bank Centre. This year, we have a touring in England for the first time. At the moment, we are creating a new duet that will be touring with other two old pieces.The premiere is in November, and we started wroking on the duet in May. Normaly we have four hours rehearsal, three days a week. Sometimes, everyday... I would say it is quite a lot. But I know we need that much, and I am sure the work is going to be very interesting, unusual, and completed!



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